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KPR strengthens areas of competence with industry insider Norbert Froitzheim

KPR verstärkt Kompetenzfelder mit Brancheninsider Norbert Froitzheim

by Magnus Kongestol

5 years ago

KPR strengthens areas of competence with industry insider Norbert Froitzheim

by Magnus Kongestol

5 years ago

KPR verstärkt Kompetenzfelder mit Brancheninsider Norbert Froitzheim

As one of the leading agencies for PR and public relations in the dental industry, Dr. Kaschny PR at the New Year with a highly experienced media specialist. Norbert Froitzheim, who was the face of the German Medical Publishers in the market for over 25 years, will support the KPR team in an advisory capacity and thus further strengthen the agency's range of services.

Froitzheim, who has vital contacts in the industry and is considered an insider not only in the media sector, will support the team as a "senior advisor" on questions of strategic customer development, digitization and cross-media communication.

"I'm really looking forward to working in this highly professional team," says Froitzheim. According to Froitzheim, he particularly appreciates the agency's philosophy, which reflects the values ​​and visions of founder Dr. Fill Peter Kaschny with life and adapt to current developments.

Shareholder Sepideh Roozbiany: "We were, are and will remain very close to the pulse of the times in our agency development. With the commitment of Mr. Froitzheim, we will increase this pulse even further." And managing director Thomas Hammann also sees a great opportunity in the support of Froitzheim: "His profound knowledge will not only benefit the agency, but ultimately also our customers."

All in all, everyone is certain that the requirements for cross-media PR and public relations work have increased, especially in times of digitization. The requirements have increased in complexity. The top priority here is flexible management of the task areas and a target group-specific alignment of the specialist content in terms of customer goals, which requires precise knowledge of all available media channels and their effectiveness.

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